2008 April KK Trip

Wednesday 26 September 2007

Round Island: 23 Sept 2007

The day starts out to be sunny and bright. A nice weather to go hiking or nature walk. :) This is an outing to show our Milpitas collegue, Michio the natural beauty and charm of Penang. Being a Penangnite, I proud to take the lead and kick start the following journey.
First stop, Muka Head. There are 5 adults and 2 kids (age 3 and 10). The initial part of the journey is great. Every one starts to walk to burn those extra fat we gain in office. May be I am burning the most. Then, when we reach USM reseach centre, we could not proceed further. The tides are in. Making the remaining journey to be tough unless we want to swim... :( Bad idea. So, we decide to stop and picnic under the trees. As I turn around to open my bag, a monkey was on the tree waiting to grab what I hv in my bag. Scary! We shift to the open ground hoping the monkeys will leave us alone. No luck, they tag and always on alert to grab our food. Very disappointing, we have to quickly wrap up our picnic session and head back to Kampung Nelayan to meet up with Bee Theng and her husband. She could not join as she is carry a baby. Reminder: try not to bring kids younger than 5 years old unless u intend to take boat to Muka Head/ Pantai Kerachut.
2nd stop, lunch. Not much place to go, but we managed to find a hawker stall which still open and we have prawn mees. It is opposite Caltex. We do order Roti Canai from next door, dumpling and pao as well. The prawn mee is not bad.
3rd, Batik shop/ factory. The shop is so so.. and the factory is not operating.. so, nothing much to see.. sigh..
4th, Butterfly farm. Have not been there since 1989. Never did think of coming here as well. The place seems bigger, may be because of the structure added at the entrance. But I found it to be interesting especially when we try to find the "moving leaves". Off course, there is plenty of collections... depart about 3:00 pm.
5th Tropical Food Farm. Not durian session, so we decide to sit and savour the tropical fruits they have to offer... $$$. I think it is worth it as there are breezes and cooling feeling. Some more the orchard care takers are friendly people. Plenty of greenary. Good place to rest. So, we sat there for more than 45 mins then decide to move on.
6th Sam Poh Temple. Since it is too late to go aquarium and War Museum, we headed for this place. The place is getting more commercialise than before. Well, it is not the same as it was several of tens years back.
Last on the list,, Dinner... Hurray, finally the end of the journey. We went to Northen Food Court for dinner to complete our round island trip. That night, I reached home about 8:30pm. I am out for the whole day... One full day..
My body was sore the next day... Not enough rest. But will I do it again.. Yup, but different planning. Next time, Georgetown. It is amazing, I still have couple of places in Penang that I have not been to yet. Need to explore more...

Monday 24 September 2007

Mixed Events: 22 Sept 2007

The night full of happenings. It is the same day we celebrate my mum belated birthday.

Then, we are off to Lean Wah's place for Lantern BBQ. All ended at 10:30 pm. The kids are happy. The grand mothers are so so.. The driver, me.. tired. :P

Auto City Lantern Festivial: 20 Sept 2007

Went there last Thursday with friends. Not a bad place but kinda humid though. If I have to pay RM15.00 to go, I don't think it is worth it. So, pls go between Mon - Thursday, cheaper then. U go 2 persons and only pay one ticket price. Attached is a few pics taken. If u like Dino, Panda, Hello Kitty and wild animals, then go and have fun. Off cos, they have ferris wheel, train, small motor bike rides, some games and stage for performance.

Saturday 15 September 2007


Visited 14 Countries (6%)
一年前我在 World 66 拼了一幅我曾经到的地方.
今年我再拼一次, 看起来好像没什么改变, 来来往往都是这几点.
世界真大! 不知何时才能... ... 你们也可以拼拼看.

Friday 14 September 2007


不錯的文章!看到最後感動的眼淚快流出來 ...( T_T )


夏日的午後,鬱熱難當,我拉著女兒的手,走在人潮滾滾的街道上,覺得整個城市似乎要燃燒起來。 女兒的小手,常因逆向行走的行人的衝撞而由我手中鬆脫,然而,很快地,又會上前 來。我們就在商家吆喝聲、行人討價還價聲中,斷斷續續地聊著,女兒問我即將和什麼人見面, 我說:「是媽媽大學畢業後留在學校當助教時的同事,由很遠的英國回來。」女兒側著頭天真地問:「是不是從很遠的地方回來的人,都要約著見面,請他們喝咖啡?」「那倒不一定啦!媽媽那時同她感情最好,一起做助教時,她很照顧媽媽。」女兒鍥而不捨地接著問:「大人也還要人家照顧嗎?她怎麼照顧你? 是不是像蔡和純照顧我一樣?教你做功課?」蔡和純是她的同班同學。 我聽了不由得笑了起來說:「大概差不多吧!人再大,也需要別人照顧呀!對不對 ? 像爺爺生病了,也要我們照顧嘛!對不對?...」「那你生病了嗎?那時候?」「生病倒沒有。不過,那年,有一段時間,媽媽的心情很不好,覺得自已很討人嫌,人緣很差。 就在那年聖誕節前幾天,我發現王阿姨偷偷地在我辦公桌上放了張她自己做的賀卡, 上面寫著:我不知道怎樣形容我有多麼喜歡你,祝你佳節愉快。』媽媽看了好感動。這張卡片改變了當時媽媽惡劣的心情。更重要的是,給了我很大的鼓勵, 使我覺得自己並不那麼討厭!」女兒聽了,若有所思,低頭不語。

我和朋友見了面,開心地談著往事、彼此探問著現況,女兒一旁安靜地聽著, 不像僚`般吱吱喳喳搶著說,我們幾乎忘了她的存在。 一會兒工夫後,女兒要求到三樓文具部去看看。十分鐘後,女兒紅著臉,氣喘吁吁地 上樓來, 朝我悄悄地說:「先借給我一百元好嗎?我想買一個東西,回去再從撲滿拿給你。」我和同學談得高興,不暇細想,知她不會亂花,便拿錢打發她。過沒多久,她又上來了。 面對朋友,恭敬地立正,雙手捧上一盒包裝精美的禮物,一派正經地說: 「王阿姨!送你一個小禮物,你從那麼遠的地方來。」朋友和我同時大吃了一驚,朋友手足無措,訥訥地:「那怎麼行! 我怎麼能收你的禮物!我英國回來,沒帶禮物給你,已經很不好意思了, 而且,我是大人,你是小孩兒....」女兒很認真地併攏腳跟,無限深情地說:「我媽媽說你是她最好的朋友,謝謝你以前那麼照顧我媽。」一股熱氣往腦門兒直衝了上去,我喉嚨驀地哽咽了起來,眼睛霎時又濕又熱,我束手無策, 萬萬沒想到女兒竟會如此做。朋友的眼睛也陡地紅了起來,嘴脣微顫,卻是一句話也說 不出來, 只緊緊摟過女兒,喃喃說道:「謝謝啊!謝謝..」這回輪到女兒覺得不好意思了。她伏在朋友肩上尷尬地提醒朋友:「你想不想看你得到什麼禮物啊?」 朋友拆開禮物,是掛了個毛絨絨小白兔的鑰匙圈。女兒老氣橫秋地說:「會照顧人的人一定會很溫柔的,所以,我選了小白兔,白白軟軟的,你喜歡嗎?」 朋友感動的說:「當然喜歡了,好可愛的禮物。 我回英國去,就把所有的鑰匙都掛上,每打開一扇門,就想一次你。......真謝謝啊..」女兒高興得又蹦又跳地下樓去了,留下兩個女人在飄著咖啡香的屋裡領受著比咖啡還要香醇的情誼。

生命中總有不同階段的朋友來來去去,但大多數的人們只用回憶懷念舊朋友,時間越久 , 友誼慢慢就淡了,不論多深厚的感情終究敵不過歲月的考驗,除非我們自己願意用心經營 !! 所以身邊總是新朋友比較多,但有些朋友雖然無法豐裕自己的生活,卻能溫暖自己的生命 , 每當想起他(她)時,看到他(她)時,心情就會很快樂,很開心,或許你我都曾經擁有過這樣的朋友 , 也曾經因為不珍惜而失去了這樣的朋友 !!

幾年後,我們還會是好朋友嗎 ?我的好友 ?一句好話、、一句問候,一個微笑滋潤別人生命,也讓自己的心靈生活更加豐厚。


Saturday 8 September 2007


马来西亚, 我的祖国! 今天上 The Star 网站看报, 发现 Merdekatrivia. 应该是历史题和常识题吧, 我就试答. 但我答得好差.