2008 April KK Trip

Tuesday, 30 October 2007

短文 - 生命中的磚頭

幾杯黃湯下肚後,我朋友一時興起,說要帶我去拜訪他爸爸。 「現在?不會太晚了吧?」「沒問題,他還沒睡的」 隨手外帶了些滷味小菜,我想這是老人家下酒愛吃的。
「你不是說找你老爸,怎越走越遠」 「沒錯啊,就在彎過那個山坡,我爸住的那兒很漂亮喔」
下了車,朋友一逕的往裡走,「來來…我幫你介紹」 「喂喂…這裡是?!」我驚訝的問。
「他年輕時很愛泡茶,你知道小孩嘛,怎麼可能靜靜的坐在旁邊,三五好友時就叫我 去買些嗑牙的,我倒是樂的輕鬆,如果沒朋友來那我就慘了,他愛熱鬧,泡茶也得拉 人作伴,小板凳這麼一拉吆喝著我坐下,問問學校問問老師、朋友,連有沒有女朋友 也要問,煩都煩死了」
「後來我唸了書,很少回家,你知道,男孩子長大了跟父親總有一種疏遠感,電話裡 總是有一搭沒一搭的,結了婚更少回家了,我老爸總是說,少了我很久都沒人幫他買 嗑牙的,呵」,順著點起一直叼著的煙,斗光一滅一亮的。
「他還真不夠意思!前些年身體突然不好,也不說,剛好那陣子我也剛升主管,業務 忙的不得了,就連電話也少打了」,吐了口氤煙,「後來有一天,我回國來述職,想 說剛好趁機會可以回家一趟,但得先回公司幾天做業務簡報。剛回國一堆區域會議要 開,結果就在會議中間我家裡急電,說是他不行了」。
「我都回到台灣了啊!我都要回家看他了啊!他很不夠意思,他真的很不夠意 思!」說著說著激動起來。「後來匆匆結束了會議,急忙的趕回家,回家的路上我一 直在想,為什麼他不等我,想著眼淚就掉了下來…好不容易趕回家後,我衝上前緊握他 的手,這時發現,唉呀!已經很久沒見老爸手上的繭厚了、臉上的皺紋更深了,我才 驚覺,我有多久沒好好仔細看看他了」。
「老媽走進房裡又走了出來,說是老爸特別交代我回來要給我的,我看到是什麼後當 場就崩潰了,你知道是什麼嗎?那個我從小最討厭的小板凳,他一直留著,他一直為 我留著一個位置。」
「我把小板凳拉來,就這麼一直坐著,嘴裡叨叨絮絮的不停念著:「爸,我回來 了」。
朋友幾乎是顫抖哽咽著擠出這句話,我只能拍拍他的肩膀什麼話也說不出來,沉默了 好一陣子,他才又緩緩的說著,「後來我有空就上來找他,跟他聊天、陪他泡茶,就 像小時候一樣,」
朋友的事讓我想到那位開著新Jaguar的年輕總裁,經過住宅區的巷道的他被一個小朋 友丟了一塊磚頭打到了車門,他很生氣的踩了煞車並後退到磚頭丟出來的地方。
他跳出車外,抓了那個小孩,把他頂在車門上說: 「你為什麼這樣做,你知道你剛剛做了什麼嗎?」
接著又吼道:「你知不知道你要賠多少錢來修理這台新車,你到底為什麼要這樣 做?」
小孩子求著說:「先生,對不起,我不知道我還能怎麼辦?」 「我丟磚塊是因為沒有人停下來」,小朋友一邊說一邊眼淚從臉頰落到車門上。 他接著說:「因為我哥哥從輪椅上掉下來,我沒辦法把他抬回去。」 那男孩啜泣著說: 「你可以幫我把他抬回去嗎?他受傷了,而且他太重了我抱不動。」
這些話讓年輕總裁深受感動,他抱起男孩受傷的哥哥,幫他坐回輪椅上。 並拿出手帕擦拭他哥哥的傷口,以確定他哥哥沒有什麼大問題。
年輕總裁慢慢地、慢慢地走回車上,他決定不修它了。 他要讓那個凹洞時時提醒自己....
「不要等周遭的人丟磚塊過來了,自己才注意到生命的腳步已走得過快。」 當生命想與你的心靈竊竊私語時,若你沒有時間,你有兩種選擇:傾聽你心靈的聲音 或讓磚頭來砸你!
我重新思考著老問題:是否曾因為生活太快、太忙碌而忽略了我所愛的人,然後讓他 們開始懷疑起我是不是真的愛他們呢?
《白色巨塔》裡的關欣對蘇怡華這樣說: 「如果你要幸福,你要堅定的伸出手,去做你想做的事,去愛你身邊最愛你的人,不 要等,因為幸福從來沒有離開過,只是你有沒有看見。」
這句話讓人很有感觸,因為我們都花了太多時間在追尋遙不可及的幸福上,卻忽略了 一直在自己身邊,觸手可及,最平凡卻重要的幸福。
Source ~ Unknown

Saturday, 27 October 2007

KK Trip 30/9 ~ 5/10 - Part 2

Right, finally got sometime to continue. From Laba Rata, the resting point for all. The climb on the next morning 2:00am was tough. We have little sleep as the lodge does not have heater. The room is damp and cold. It does not help us either. We try to wrap ourselves with as many blankets and put on as many clothing as possible to keep ourselves warm...

2:ooam. Judgement time. Our mountain guide turn up and give us the good news. The weather is good to climb. Hurrah!!! Finally, the adventourous journey has started. There is no moon in sight, the day is cold as wind breezed past us from time to time. Even if you got a touch light, there is little visibility for sight more than 100 meter due to the mist. As I am the slowest among the group, our mountain guide stay close to me and guide me the whole way through.

Until we reach Sayak-sayak, I asked the park ranger there: "Will I see sun rise? Will I see KK town after sun rise?" The answer is "NO". The weather is only good for climb but does not guarantee I will see what I want to see". So, I decided to stay and let the guide to continue to hunt for my friends whom have travel far. Sometimes, I do think I am lucky as I did not get soak as it rains after I stayed in Sayak-sayak hut. It rains after a few minutes... Freezing.

Anyway, we started decend from the top to KK Park then head on to our next destination. Hot Poring. A place with warm sulphur bath to relax our muscle and reduce the soreness we have had through out the climb.

Here is sneak preview.

Friday, 12 October 2007


<< 很多时候我们都不知道, 自己的价值是多少? 我们应该做什么? 这一生才不会浪费掉. 我们到底重不重要? 我们是不是很渺小? 深藏在心中的那一套, 人家会不会觉得可笑? 不要认为自己没有用, 不要老是坐在那边看天空, 如果你自己都不愿意动, 还有谁可以帮助你成功, 不要认为自己没有用, 不要让自卑左右你向前冲, 每个人的贡献都不同, 也许你就是最好的那种...>>

Thursday, 4 October 2007

KK Trip 30/9 ~ 5/10 - Part 1

The weather was great when I arrived in KK. After KK town, all the way is up hill and down hill. Can u believe it, Myvi going up hill and down hill. On and off the aircon from time to time. :)

We reached KK National Park about 4 pm. Check in and take a rest. Before we go to the visito centre for dinner and hiker briefing. The weather starts to turn cloudy and we just hope it will be good day when we are up there tomorrow. Below is the pic we took at the restaurant and fire place at Grace Hostel (where we stay that night).

The next day, we start to climb at 8:30 am. The beginning of the journey was not bad. But the weather was getting worst by the hours. Windy. By the time we reach Laban Rata it was on 5.7 degree. Freezing...

Off course, we were told that a lot of climbers could not proceed further for the past few days due to the weather conditions. However, we got the break... The park range has alert us that we could proceed..

p/s: For those thinking of using internet. Pls bring ur own notebook.