2008 April KK Trip

Sunday, 22 June 2008

Pek Hoon's Visit 13/14 june

Has been a while I have not seen her. Now with an additional person beside her, is something new. CONGRADS. :)

Picked them up from Penang Airport together with Chai Hoon we went for our first stop. Breakfast at Relau. Sorry no photos taken. After fulfilling our tummy needs, we proceed with our next agenda, hiking Bukit Jambul. A short but average trail.

Basically, there is nothing to it. All of us reached the top to enjoy the beautiful scenery. Not forgetting the haze that obstruct some nice morning view. We felt hot up there. Not as windy as I hope too. Nevertheless, it was a good outing.

After that we went to Bukit Jambul to buy "Tao Sa biskut". I was never aware that there is this shop does exists. Tried it and still like the original Ghee Hiang. Since we are all smelly, it will be good we took a shower before proceed to our next destination, LUNCH.

Rested at Chai Hoon's place for shower and random chat. Then we go to the little street near Komtar famous for "Chendol". Off course we also add: Laksa, Fried Kuay Teow, Po Piah and Hokkien mee. I want to see the photos, visit my facebook.

Last stop before Sungai Petani, my house via ferry. Something new for Chai Hoon's husband. By the way, climbing to the top of Bukit Jambul is also another new achievement for him as well. Well done. We took ferry and Butterworth outer ring road to reach my place to collect my notebook. We could reflexed and enjoy the view in the ferry. How often do I take ferry? Seldom or never in a couple of months. Can't imagine that was my mode of transport during school days.

Finally, reached Fang Im and Kee Chin's home in late afternoon. The day is still hot and I just felt sleeply. Grab the bloster and then sleep. Later depart at 6 or 7, got to be home by then. The rest is up to them to share and enjoy.

It is always good to have gathering like this. :)

Wednesday, 18 June 2008



第一句 沒有一百分的另一半 只有五十分的兩個人
第二句 付出真心 才會得到真心 卻也可能傷得徹底 保持距離 就能保護自己 卻也註定永遠寂寞
第三句 通常願意留下來跟你爭吵的人 才是真正愛你的人
第四句 有時候 不是對方不在乎你 而是你把對方看得太重
第五句 冷漠 有時候並不是無情 只是一種避免被傷害的工具
第六句 如果我們之間有 1000 步的距離 你只要跨出第1步 我就會朝你的方向走其餘的 999 步
第七句 為你的難過而快樂的 是敵人 為你的快樂而快樂的 是朋友 為你的難過而難過的 就是那些 該放進心裡的人
第八句 就算是 believe 中間也藏了一個 lie
第九句 真正的好朋友 並不是在一起就有聊不完的話題 而是在一起 就算不說話 也不會感到尷尬
第十句 朋友就是被你看透了 還能喜歡你的人

There is nothing such as perfect in the world we are in, but we could always try our very best to live life to our greatest. Who knows what is at the end of the rainbow. :)

Sunday, 15 June 2008


BY: Ralph Marston
Get up and get going. If you feel lousy, it will make you feel much better,
and if you already feel good, it will make you feel great.
You know all those things you've been meaning to get done for the past six months?
Pick one right now and make it happen today.
Life is much more rewarding when you actively participate in it.
This very moment there are good times in your life just waiting to be created.
Do you feel the need to be more positive about life and about the world in which you live?
Then get moving and get yourself positively engaged in it all.
The moment you take positive action, your outlook begins to change.
When you're making a difference, the world is suddenly a much better place.
Get hot, get cold, get tired, get informed, get out of your comfort zone
and get involved in this magnificent life.
Drink in the delightful richness of a life fully lived.

Wednesday, 4 June 2008



1.像祈禱一般,將雙手交握起來... 看看你的雙手!!!

左手拇指被押在右手拇指下的----------------------> 左腦使用者

右手拇指被押在左手拇指下的----------------------> 右腦使用者


右手臂壓住左手臂的------------------------------> 左腦使用者

左手臂壓住右手臂的------------------------------> 右腦使用者

從1+2來看你的結果* (要照1→2順序看唷~)分析結果:我是屬於左右的人

左右人-------------------------喜歡照顧人,領導型具有冷靜的觀察力能看透對方或現場的氣氛,但亦具有能體貼入微照顧對方的一面,這就是 兼具冷靜與溫情的左右人。因生性冷靜,頗具男子氣概且責任感強烈,像個〔大姐頭〕 般常會受到同性的愛慕。能自然聚集人群並與之俐落相處。只不過,有時也會忍不住太愛照顧他人。相當在意世人如何看待自己,總是保持警覺心。

右左人--------------------------善於體貼他人的傳統,溫婉類型能直覺了解對方的心情,並自然和善對應的右左人。雖然無法主動積極的向前,但卻會後退 一步來支持他人,生性穩重且貼心,給人一股〔凡事都會好好照顧*〕的安心感。不過一旦 被拜託過一次,往後就很難再對他人說〔NO〕就是最大的缺點。不管自己有多麼的痛苦,也會為他人鞠躬盡瘁....這種熱情堪稱天下第一!

右右人-------------------------最愛自己的挑戰類型生性勇往直前,一旦認定〔就是這個!〕時就會馬上採取行動!這就是好奇心旺盛最愛挑戰 的右右人。憑著一股氣勢就能夠坦然挑戰危險事物的魯莽一族。但另一方面亦具有被抓住 弱點時就很容易被打動的鮮細脆弱一面...。基本上,不聽他人的話,會跳著聽談話的內容, 也很容易就以主觀意識說話。不過也因這般充滿個性的緣故而備受眾人喜愛,往往能成為人氣者唷!

左左人-------------------------認真又冷酷的完美主義者雖頗有女人(男人)味,但卻是在這四種類型中最具有男子氣概!凡事都能條理分明的理論性思考,會憑著一篇大道理迅速打敗他,可說相當具有〔鋼鐵之女〕的感覺。自尊心極高,正義感也 比他人多上一倍。做為朋友是很值得信賴,但若與之為敵就會很棘手的類型。只不過,因生 性認真又是完美主義者,常會讓初次見面的人留下〔難以相處〕的不好印象。

p/s: Copy from spam mails.